Founded in 1946 by Dr. Jean NUSSBAUM assisted by Mrs. Eleanor ROOSEVELT, the first President of Honorary Committee of the AIDLR.
A Non-governmental organization with participatory status to the United Nations (UN), ECOSOC Committee in New York and Geneva, in the Council of Europe (CoE) in Strasbourg and to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Warsaw.


The International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty (AIDLR) plays a key role in advancing religious freedom and human rights through a series of high-profile events, conferences, and symposiums. These events bring together international leaders, diplomats, religious figures, scholars, and human rights advocates to foster dialogue, promote understanding, and address the challenges related to religious liberty in today’s world.

Collaboration with International Bodies

The AIDLR maintains strong relationships with key international bodies, including the UN, the European Council, and various human rights organizations. Their events are often held in close proximity to key meetings of the UN Human Rights Council, allowing AIDLR to participate in important global discussions on religious liberty and submit reports that influence policy decisions.