Meeting with H.E. Mr Adama Dieng, Under-Secretary-General, Special Adviser of Secretary General of United Nations on Genocide Prevention

Meeting with H.E. Mr Adama Dieng, Under-Secretary-General, Special Adviser of Secretary General of United Nations on Genocide Prevention, and Dr Liviu Olteanu, Secretary General AIDLR in Dieng office in New York in February 2017.
United Nations Human Rights Council, the Written Statement of the AIDLR on Geneva Global Summit

The following statement was issued by Dr Liviu Olteanu and has been introduced to the United Nations as a written statement on the 34th Session of the UN Human Rights Council regarding the Global Summit co-organized by the AIDLR and OGPRtP at the Palais des Nations in Geneva on 23-25 November 2016 The focus of the Summit […]
Conversation with Mr. Jan Figel on cooperation plans

Mr Jan Figel, EU Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief outside the EU territory- February 2017 Brussels, at EPRID meeting. Dr Liviu Olteanu is participated at EPRID´s meeting and has a conversation with Mr Jan Figel about cooperation and collaboration ideas between the EU and the AIDLR.
H.E. Ambassador Ms. Jackie Wolcott, Commissioner, US Commission on International Religious Freedom

Dr. Liviu Olteanu, Secretary General of the AIDLR, and HE Ambassador Ms. Jackie Wolcott, Commissioner, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, from Washington D.C., talking in Brussels on the AIDLR international projects. In the picture Dr. Olteanu introducing to the Ambassador, the AIDLR journal “Ambassadors for Liberty, Hope and Peace”. Brussels, Eprid´s meeting in February […]
Special guests of USCIRF talking on collaboration between AIDLR and USCIRF

Ambassador Jackie Wolcott, Commissioner, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, and Ms Elisabeth K. Cassidy, Director of International Law and Policy U.S.Commision on International Religious Freedom, from Washington D.C. in Brussels at Eprid meeting in February 2017. Dr Liviu Olteanu the Secretary General of the AIDLR had a meeting with the special guests of USCIRF […]
Global Summit on «Religion, Peace and Security»

The purpose of the Global Summit is to discuss how these different actors can effectively work together and complement each other’s work. In addition, the Summit will provide an opportunity for participants to […]
A Press Release on the Paris terrorist attack submitted by the International Association for the Defence of Religious Liberty (AIDLR) from Bern, Switzerland

Je suis Paris! Humanity is grieving and in shock; today we are all victims and in complete solidarity with Paris. We are traumatized by all the terrorist attacks which took place on 13 November in Paris, with the consequences of hundreds of victims. We strongly condemn the terrorism and the killing of human persons in […]
AIDLR European Representatives Annual Meeting

European representatives of the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) met in Seville, Spain for four days. The European representatives from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Switzerland presented the current situation in their respective countries, discussed and studied concrete cases that need intervention from our Association to continue working […]
Second Madrid International Conference, May 2016 on «Freedom, Religion, Security – Antagonistic Terms in the Context of International Insecurity»

On May 13, 2016, personalities and experts met in a meeting Hall of the Faculty of Law of the University in Madrid, with the presence of the Minister of Justice, Rafael Catala and the Deputy Secretary General of the UN, Adama Dieng […]