GAMAL FOUDA, the IMAM of Al Noor Mosque in the New Zealand city of CHRIST CHURCH, and the mosque-attack SURVIVOR FARID AHMED, shared (the former in Dubai at the World Tolerance Summit, and the latter in Abu Dhabi at the Forum for Promoting Peace) with the Secretary-General of the AIDLR, their personal ‘story’ of the dramatic tragedy that took the life of 51 Muslims, during the terrorist mosque mass shootings

On March 15, 2019, two attacks occurred during Friday prayers, initially at the Al Noor mosque and later at the Linwood Islamic Centre, allegedly perpetrated by an Australian-born white supremacist. Imam GAMAL FOUDA, had begun giving a sermon at the Al Noor mosque when the gunman entered. Having witnessed and survived the attack, he believes “terrorism […]
Dr. AISHA AL-DAWIYA, FOUNDER OF WOMEN IN ISLAM, talked with Dr. Liviu Olteanu the Secretary-General of the AIDLR on the role of religious leaders, specifically concerning how women can confront the contemporary crises and challenges of our Century based on religious identity

One of the most active women on human rights, religious liberty and social justice is Aisha Al-Adawiya, the Founder and President of Women in Islam. Dr. Al-Dawiya is an international expert on Gender Equity, Conflict Resolution, Cross-Cultural Understanding, and Peace Building. Dr. Liviu Olteanu had a lengthy conversation with Dr. Aisha Al-Adawiya during the Assembly and […]
Secretary-General of the AIDLR, talked with H.E. YEMI OSINBAJO, THE VICE-PRESIDENT of the REPUBLIC of NIGERIA, at the ‘Forum for Peace in Muslim Societies’ hosted in the United Arab Emirates

H.E. Vice President of Nigeria, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, underlined at the ‘Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies’ what contributes to building tolerance, harmony and peace among religions and people. In recent years, we have witnessed a rise of religious extremism, right-wing populism and ultra-nationalism. A key question was ‘on whom does the responsibility rest […]
Dr. Liviu Olteanu, the AIDLR Secretary-General talked at the ‘Forum for Peace’ from Abu Dhabi, with MUHAMMAD SIRAJUDDIN DIN SYAMSUDDIN, one of the foremost Islamic scholars of Indonesia

Professor Syamsuddin mentioned publicly in Abu Dhabi that instead of developing such a “phobia-like” approach, nations around the world should develop a “genuine tolerance” culture. We discussed the problems that may exist between groups, and the respect, the dialogue and the dignified means being considered to overcome any problems and differences based on religion or […]
The Secretary-General of the AIDLR, Dr. Liviu Olteanu, talked in Abu Dhabi at the Forum for Promoting Peace, with the Secretary-General of the Muslim World League, Dr. MUHAMMAD BIN ABDUL KARIM ISSA, a former Saudi Arabian Minister of Justice

At the Forum for Protecting Peace in Abu Dhabi, forty-five faith leaders and advocates of tolerance, a number of representatives of the United Nations, decision-makers and influential figures from international civil society organizations and non-profit organizations met together from 9-11 December 2019. During the Forum, Dr. Liviu Olteanu, the Secretary-General of the International Association for the […]
At the Forum for Peace, the Secretary-General of the AIDLR , exchanged opinions with H.E. AL HAJ AHOD ‘MURAD’ EBRAHIM, Chief Minister of Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, on supporting religious minorities and religious liberty

During the meeting between the Secretary-General of the AIDLR and the Chief Minister Al Haj Ahod Murad Ebrahim, from the Philippines, a discussion that took place at the Forum for Peace in Muslim Societies – points of view were exchanged on the global religious liberty issues, with a particular focus on the Philippines; the role of […]
Roadmap to Implementation – A summary report & recommendation of the second Global Summit on ‘Religion, Peace and Security’ co-organized by the UN Office of Genocide Prevention & the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty (AIDLR)

“Roadmap for Implementation” is a document produced during the Second Global Summit on Religion, Peace and Security held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva in 2019. The document was developed by an international committee of experts and accepted by OSAPG as a “Recommendation to the United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech”.
H.E. ABDULLAH AL SALMI, Minister at the Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs of OMAN, launched in Jakarta, Indonesia, the Omani initiative ‘Towards United Human Values’ at the 11th ADVISORY GROUP MEETING chaired by Dr. ELSANOUSI

The Secretary-General of the AIDLR was invited by Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi, Executive Director of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers and Dr. Mohamed Said Al-Mamari Advisor to the Minister of the Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman, to join the 11th Advisory Group Meeting (AGM) organized by the Network for Religious and Traditional […]
H.E. Dr. HAMAD AL SHEIKH AHMED AL SHAIBANI, & KHALIFA MOHAMMED AL SUWAIDI, invited the Secretary-General of the AIDLR to participate together with worldwide religious leaders and scholars at the ‘World Tolerance Summit’; during WTS Dr. Olteanu also talked with Ambassador MUSSIE HAILU, Regional Director for Africa

The Second ‘World Tolerance Summit’ was organized in Dubai from 13-14 November 2019 under the Patronage of His Highness, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. This international event focused on how education and knowledge-sharing can be a powerful tool to raise awareness on tolerance in […]