Declaration concerning the war in Ukraine

Europe is experiencing the worst situation of conflict on the continent since the Second World War, due to the seriousness of the invasion of a sovereign State by another. Adding to the conflict is the danger of involvement of neighboring countries or escalation in the type of weapons used, and, above all, the tragic situation […]
The AIDLR congratulates Roberta Metsola on her election as the President of the European Parliament

The AIDLR Associates and the AIDLR Secretary General express their sincere congratulations to Roberta Metsola on her election as President of the European Parliament. Our Association, whose raison d’être is the defence and promotion of the fundamental right to religious freedom, looks forward to Roberta Metsola’s mandate and, in particular, to the fundamental role of the European […]
A Statement by the AIDLR Secretary General on Abuse of Power and Violence and its consequences on racism and religious persecution

Since its inception in 1946, the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty (AIDLR) has stood up for human rights, freedom of conscience, and religious liberty for all people. The AIDLR assumed the task of gathering all international actors – such as religious leaders, politicians, diplomats, academia, civil society and others – to fight […]
Open Letter submitted by the AIDLR Secretary General to United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on «COVID-19, GOVERNMENTS’ ABUSE and VULNERABLE PEOPLE»

Dear High Commissioner, Today all the world’s attention is on COVID-19 pandemic, analyzing all aspects of this virus from the science to its political, economic, social and humanitarian consequences. We all live in the midst of the fear of death and suffering. Antonio GUTERRES clearly resumed what means this emergency for humanity: “The Covid-19 pandemic […]
A Letter submitted by the AIDLR Secretary General to The President of the European Commission

On: (1) Continuing of the EU Mandate on FoRB – Dr. JAN FIGEL; What place has the religious freedom in the agenda of European Commission? (2) What measures do the European Commission takes against the countries that use or abuse the laws of National Security and State of Emergency? (3) What measures the EU propose to […]
Press Release on the “New Zealand terrorist attacks” submitted by the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty (AIDLR), from Bern, Switzerland

AIDLR strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in two mosques in Christchurch (New Zealand) Unfortunately, new terrorist attacks, violence and extremism feeds again people with fear and affect humanity. The world today, more than ever, need love, prayer, vigilance and speaking out against hate speech, nationalism and terrorism. The International Association for the Defense of Religious […]
Press Release on the “Barcelona terrorist attack” submitted by the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty (AIDLR), from Bern, Switzerland

In solidarity with Barcelona Again and again we strongly condemn the acts of these new terrorist attacks perpetrated in Barcelona and Cambrils on Thursday 17 of August 2017. We feel pain for each of one of 14 victims and around 100 people that were injured by the jihadists terrorists. We express compassion with Barcelona and […]
Press Release on the Manchester terrorist attack submitted by the International Association for the Defence of Religious Liberty (AIDLR), from Bern, Switzerland

In solidarity with Manchester The representatives of 13 European countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria) in a meeting of the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty held at the University of Friedensau, Germany, 21-23 May 2017, stand in shock today and in complete solidarity […]
Press Release on Russia’s Supreme Court 20 April 2017 decision to ban the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization in Russia submitted by the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty, from Bern, Switzerland

After the terrorist attacks perpetrated in many parts of the world, we know that dangerous elements may be located within every society. Much attention, however, should be paid to the danger that the efforts to combat terrorism and extremism and preserve security dont degenerate into a pretext and a form of political abuse against peaceful […]