The following statement was issued by Dr Liviu Olteanu at the OSCE/ODIHR Supplementary Human Dimension meetings regarding the topic debated by the OSCE on Freedom of Religion or Belief: Issues, Opportunities and the Specific Challenges of Combating anti-Semitism and intolerance and discrimination against Christians, Muslims and members of other religions. Dr. Olteanu believes -as Berger said-, that those actors that do not take religion, freedom of religion or belief, and religious minorities into account for their analysis of contemporary issues, assume great danger. But what must be done when in the 21st Century, State or non-State actors practice harassment, intolerance, discrimination and persecution or that strongly affect members of religions and religious minorities? The AIDLR suggested the following three proposals to the OSCE’s Member States: 1. Collecting data and follow-up by a troika. The OSCE to create a special committee which should: identify all specific challenges and data information received at the “OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting”, from States or non-State actors, on discrimination, intolerance, persecution, torture, kidnapping, missing the life, and genocide, due to belonging, the practice or sharing of the beliefs and values of a religion with others, and to follow- up by a troika (made up of State members including civil society experts on this field) to consider all the issues concerned regarding freedom of religion or belief that have been reclaimed to the OSCE. Consequently, to inform State members and civil society representatives at the OSCE ofthe results and offering proposals after having identified the State members that have not respected FoRB. 2. A continued and consolidated training program on « Security, Diversity and FoRB ». The OSCE is invited to create a special education and training program on diversity, security and freedom of religion and belief with the support of the international experts on this field. This program must start by training the trainers (state actors, politicians, religious leaders, civil society, and so on), in prevention on combating anti-Semitism, intolerance and discrimination against Christians, Muslims and members of other religious or minorities. 3. To join the Dialogue Five framework. The International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty (AIDLR) invited all the OSCE Member States, and national, regional and international actors, to be part of and join the «International Platform ‘DIALOGUE FIVE’» that functions on the «Religion, Peace and Security framework». More information at:
Religious Liberty Exchange. Secretary General of the AIDLR talked at the Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting hosted at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna on 22-23 June 2017 with Ms. Stacy Bernard Davis, Unit Chief for Europe and Eurasia, Office of International Religious Freedom, US Department of State, regarding how to remain vigilant and develop tools to fight the discrimination and intolerance directed against people who belong to religious minorities concerning freedom of religion, expression and assembly. Conversation between the Secretary General of the AIDLR and the Unit Chief for Europe and Eurasia also took place concerning a collaboration between the US Department of State and the AIDLR regarding the future Summit on Religion, Peace and Security proposed to take place as a follow-up of the previous Summit hosted in Geneva.