Founded in 1946 by Dr. Jean NUSSBAUM assisted by Mrs. Eleanor ROOSEVELT, the first President of Honorary Committee of the AIDLR.
A Non-governmental organization with participatory status to the United Nations (UN), ECOSOC Committee in New York and Geneva, in the Council of Europe (CoE) in Strasbourg and to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Warsaw.


Featured News from AIDLR.

GAMAL FOUDA, the IMAM of Al Noor Mosque in the New Zealand city of CHRIST CHURCH, and the mosque-attack SURVIVOR FARID AHMED, shared (the former in Dubai at the World Tolerance Summit, and the latter in Abu Dhabi at the Forum for Promoting Peace) with the Secretary-General of the AIDLR, their personal ‘story’ of the dramatic tragedy that took the life of 51 Muslims, during the terrorist mosque mass shootings

On March 15, 2019, two attacks occurred during Friday prayers, initially at the Al Noor mosque and later at the Linwood Islamic Centre, allegedly perpetrated

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