At the Forum for Protecting Peace in Abu Dhabi, forty-five faith leaders and advocates of tolerance, a number of representatives of the United Nations, decision-makers and influential figures from international civil society organizations and non-profit organizations met together from 9-11 December 2019. During the Forum, Dr. Liviu Olteanu, the Secretary-General of the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty, talked with the Secretary-General of the Muslim World League, Dr. Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Issa, sharing the AIDLR’s expertise and history of good practice in the defense of the principle of freedom of conscience and religious liberty for all people, since its foundation in 1946, 73 years ago. Based on the AIDLR’s international expertise on the defense of religious liberty for all people, the AIDLR’s Secretary-General expressed to the Muslim World League’s own Secretary-General, Dr. Karim Issa, its support on religious liberty issues. Dr. Liviu Olteanu of the AIDLR offered as a gift to the religious leader, the AIDLR’s 2020 Calendar.